1. No player may enter or attempt to enter a playing field for a game without having
signed a waiver. No spectators may be within 50’ of the field without having a
waiver signed. Players under 16 years of age must always have a parent or
guardian present during play.
2. We are a field paint only facility. All paintballs must be purchased on-site. No
carry-on paintballs are allowed. If paintballs hit the ground, please leave them
there. Do not load paintballs off the ground, because they tear up the equipment.
3. Paintball markers are ALWAYS to have a barrel sock covering the barrel, except
while on the playing field.
4. All players are recommended to wear long-sleeved shirts, full-length pants and
closed toe shoes. Arms and legs should be fully covered during play for best
5. During a game, masks/goggles are to be always worn by all persons on the
playing field. Do not remove your mask until you are completely off the playing
6. If a players’ mask falls off during a game, he or she should immediately yell
MASK, MASK, MASK lie face down on the ground and cover his/her head. The
Referee and all other players will yell CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE
until all shooting has stopped. Once shooting has stopped and player has applied
their mask, the referee can restart the game.
7. It is forbidden to shoot from a distance under 10 feet. If the distance between two
rival players is less than 10 feet, either both players increase the distance, or the
Referee stops the game.
8. All outside markers are to be checked by chronograph prior to use on the course.
1. A minimum of one person will be designated as the Referee for each Paintball
game. The Referee will be the one who determines the game of play, starts the
game, stops the game for paint checks, decides the issues that may arise and
who ends the game.
2. Every team will have a captain. Team captains must wave to the Referee, to
signal that the team is ready to begin. The referee blows the whistle and the
game officially begins.
3. A player is out of the game if he/she is hit by a paintball) and it Breaks on him,
this includes his clothing, gun or equipment. It doesn’t matter whether the player
is shot by an opposing player or a teammate (friendly fire).
4. When a player is marked (hit) he/she is to immediately call themselves “OUT or
HIT”. She/he must then hold their gun over their head, continue to call out “OUT
or HIT” and leave the playing field by the shortest and safest route along the net.
Players who are exiting the game are considered “Dead Men Walking”
5. “Dead Man Walking –DMW” allows players that have been called out or call
themselves out to walk along the net with marker over their head without getting
shot at while returning to the safe zone. Players still in the game are not allowed
to walk with or hide behind a DMW for cover. DMWs are not allowed to talk to
teammates while exiting.
6. A player is not considered out of the game if he/she is struck by a paintball and it
does not break, or if it hits another object and splatters on the player.
7. If there is a question as to whether a player has been hit, call for a “Paint Check”.
When a Paint Check is called the game comes to a stop, all players remain
where they are until the Referee clears the problem and restarts the game.
8. If a player leaves their position during a Paint Check, they can be called out by
the Referee or by a player reporting their movement to the Referee.
9. BLIND FIRING is not allowed. Do not fire if you can’t see what you are firing at.
10. Referees under no circumstances are to be shot at or hit.
11. Each game will be approx. 10 minutes long.
12. Never leave your paintball equipment unattended and always keep it locked up
or with someone when not being used.
13. Players should hydrate frequently, every time they come off the field. Water is
14. Unsportsmanlike Conduct will not be tolerated on or off the field by players or
15. Unsportsmanlike Conduct includes but is not limited to the following behaviors:
Profanity, Close range shooting, excessive shooting, fighting, or any other
inappropriate behavior.
16. No physical interaction (striking, fighting, etc.) whatsoever is allowed between
players or spectators.
17. Lexington Paintball Staff will give (1) one warning. If the behavior continues or
occurs again the individual may be suspended or banned from the field.